androguard 2019 releases: Reverse engineering, Malware analysis of Android applications
androguard 2019 releases: Reverse engineering, Malware analysis of Android applications
المميرزات -Features
Androguard is a full python tool to play with Android files
- Android’s binary xml
- Android resources
- Disassemble DEX/ODEX bytecodes
- Decompiler for DEX/ODEX files
التغييرات والتحديثات - Changelog
This minor release adds a lot of new features to androguard
- the androguard command unifies all androguard scripts
- Adding androguard apkid command to get the package name and version information fast
- Fixing disassembler
- fixing language and region in ARSC file parsing
- Adding v3 signing code
- Rewriting AXML parsing by using lxml.etree directly
- Adding method to resolve resource IDs to androguard arsc
تحميل والتثبيت - Installation
git clone https://github.com/androguard/androguard.git
cd androguard
pip install
الأستخدام - use
Usage: androarsc.py [options]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT, --input=INPUT
filename input (APK or android resources(arsc))
-p PACKAGE, --package=PACKAGE
select the package (optional)
-l LOCALE, --locale=LOCALE
select the locale (optional)
-t TYPE, --type=TYPE select the type (string, interger, public, ...)
-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT
filename output
-v, --version version of the API